Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Week 6A - Facebook Page

Ok so Facebook has 2 important insight tools that you can use to research how your business page is doing: Post Reach and Post Engagements.

Post reach is basically the number of people that have had your business page pop up on their screen while they are using Facebook. They further break this down in to organic vs. promotions. Organic is like word-of-mouth where your friends posted something and you end up seeing it or if I personally post something about my business page and my personal friends see it. Promotional is through an ad/marketing campaign.

Post engagement is the number of times people have shared/liked/commented on, etc. with my business page. This section is a better representation of how people interact with my business page.

Both tools are very useful and can be used to improve upon the user experience and improve upon targeting your audience. If post reach is high, a lot of people are seeing it but your post engagement is low, you have to start thinking why that is. Maybe you aren't responding to comments enough or maybe the logo or the page itself needs some sprucing up! Keeping track of these insights can tell you a lot about what is working and what isn't and allow you to adapt.


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